Some car accidents are straightforward. Others are not. The more complicated your car accident case is – especially when liability is in dispute – the more likely you are to need an expert witness. Expert witnesses can play a critical role in helping you secure the compensation you need after being injured in an accident someone else caused.
What Expert Witnesses Do in Personal Injury Cases
Expert witnesses have specialized knowledge, training, or experience about a particular subject that allows them to be recognized as an expert. Experts may consult with a San Antonio personal injury lawyer to help them understand complex evidence. Others may testify in court to explain complex concepts to the jury.
Common Types of Expert Witnesses in Car Accident Cases
Every car accident case is different. The type of expert witness who may be hired in your case will depend on the particular circumstances and what you need to prove. Some common types of expert witnesses in car accident cases include:
Medical Experts
Medical experts can provide valuable information about your injuries, including:
- What type of injuries have you suffered
- Whether your injuries are consistent with a car accident
- Your long-term prognosis
- Additional medical procedures you may require in the future
Medical experts can also refute claims that you are exaggerating your symptoms or you sought unreasonable medical procedures following the crash. They can also help differentiate symptoms from pre-existing conditions and current injuries.
Mental Health Professionals
Mental health professionals can help explain how the car accident and resulting injuries may lead to mental health challenges, such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD. A psychologist, psychiatrist, or other mental health professional may testify about the emotional trauma you’ve endured.
Accident Reconstruction Experts
Accident reconstruction experts may be hired when liability is in dispute and you need to prove how the crash occurred. An accident reconstruction expert can take information from event data recorders, such as GPS data, speed, braking, and steering functions immediately before the accident, witness statements, skid marks, and physical damage to opine how the crash occurred. They may use advanced computer modeling to support their opinions.
Mechanical and Biomechanical Engineers
Mechanical and biomechanical engineers may testify about complex scientific and engineering principles that contributed to the accident.
Economic Experts
Car accidents can have a significant economic impact on the victim and their family. Healthcare economists, vocational rehabilitation specialists, life actuaries, financial experts, and life care planners may provide critical information about information such as:
- Costs of future surgeries and medical treatments
- The extent of your reduced earning capacity due to your injuries based on your career, industry, history of promotions, education, and job skills
- Costs of home modifications, medical equipment, adaptive technologies, and other expenses related to equipment for disabilities
If you were injured in a car crash, George Salinas Injury Lawyers can investigate your case and determine if an expert witness can help bolster your San Antonio car wreck case. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.